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Success Story: Testimonial from a happy client

Posted by LEISA WINTZ | Jul 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

group of seven female lawyers

This testimonial has been sent by one of our clients as a letter of appreciation

We love to help our clients and we love to hear what they have to say!

Leisa, Julie, Mai & Jeri,

How does one express the gratitude of all your diligent and hard work on my behalf?

How does one say thank you for taking all my calls, emails, questions, and worries?

How does one say I felt prepared mentally and emotionally for one of the hardest journeys one endures in life?

Leisa- Thank you for all your dedication and hard work on my case. Thank you for spelling it out for me and being 100% honest with my particular circumstance. You educated me on the process and how look at all aspects-financial and legal. You advised me to ask myself the really hard question – Should I stay or should I go? This began the best self-awareness journey that I could embark on!

Jeri- Thank you for emails and calls. Your voice is filled with kindness, understanding and a strength I can't explain, that gave me the courage to continue.

Mai- Thank you for diligently preparing all my docs and expediting all the requests from the OC. It was great getting texts, calls, and emails that I was not just another client but that my case was treated with care and of the upmost importance.

Julie- How can I thank you for walking me thru all tough times and emotional rollercoasters I went on? You had the patience and wherewithal to talk me off a few ledges. You demonstrated to me life doesn't end with divorce but can provide an amazing opportunity for a new and better life You have walked the walk and talked the talk.

I heard this on a divorce podcast on why you should hire a lawyer to help you:

“So you could move on from victim to victorious and from bitter to better. With change comes empowerment for yourself!”

Tomorrow will be the official day! A new anniversary for me for to celebrate!

Best of me is yet to come!

With my sincerest and deepest gratitude,


About the Author


Leisa Wintz originally began her career as a marriage and family therapist. Ms. Wintz went on to attend law school and started practicing family law in 2009. However, she quickly realized that many family law practices lacked the empathy and compassion she believed were necessary in order to achi...


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